Dr. Zahra Refaei
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
MD Dr. Refaie is among a select group of surgeons who are double trained in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Refaie is among a select group of surgeons who are double trained in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Dermatology and Venereology. Her academic work has led to the publication of many articles, including the scientific release of her ATLAS of Psoriasis and Treatment.
Dr. Refaie brings years of experience and innovative ways of solving complex cosmetic and reconstructive surgical cases.
Practicing as a Specialist Dermatologist in the Department of Health and Medical Services, Government of Dubai, with special interest in Psoriasis as a challenging skin disease; Dr. Zahra became a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of this skin disease.
With more than 400 cases of breast surgeries that incuded Total mastectomies MRM, skin prep mastectomies, sentinel lymph node biopsy, full axillary clearance, conservative breast surgery BET, operation of benign lesions, immediate and delayed breast reconstructions by expander and implants, LDFlap, pedicle tram flap DIEP perforators and remodeling and adjustment of other breast by mastopexy and breast reductions, rotational local flaps, lipofilling and prophylactic mastectomy for patients of gene mutations BRAC1 and BRAC11 and positive family history and high risk patients.
Also Dr. Refaie was fully responsible of weekly multidisciplinary clinic for pre op and post patients with radiologist and oncologist and surgical team for management of cases for neoadjuvant and radiations treatment. And follow up Clinic three times weekly for tumor control, local and distant metastasis.
Also Dr. Rafaie was responsible for the weekly journal meeting and scientific presentations. And part of conferences organizer and assisting in team management. Dr. Refaie organized the first satellite international congress in Dubai and Boston Hospital with Harvard University for Doctors and patients in UAE for 3 times. Presented management of hand burn in plastic surgery international congress in 2008 Dubai.